Tips to Organize Your Family Photos

“The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been and the memories we’ve made along the way.” –Anonymous

How many of us live with that nagging thought in the back of our minds: What if I lose all of my photos? I need to organize and save them now! I don’t have time to deal with my photos, there are just too many! Yeah, I have had a few of those thoughts myself. But lo and behold, here is a way out of that photo mess, so take notes and keep those precious memories portrait ssmall

  1. Gather all of your photos in one spot, whether they are printed or digital.
  2. Decide on a theme for your albums. Perhaps one for each year? Each decade? A seasonal album? Special events? Choosing themes allows you to categorize your photos, making it easier to organize them.
  3. Choose what to keep, what to store and what to toss. Your “A” photos are your favorites, the ones that need to end up in an album, digital or otherwise. Your “B” photos are the ones you like, but you can store separately. Your “C” photos will go in the can…the trash can!
  4. Safe storage. Once your photos are categorized and organized, keep those that are printed in an archival safe photo box. For those that are digital, upload them to your exterior hard drive or an online storage service.
  5. Scan it. Once you get to this point, for those photos that are already printed you can have a scanning party! Invite another friend over and take the time to scan your photos together. You can easily create photobooks online, share via social media and have one more spot for safe storage by scanning your photos.

Saving your memories does not have to claim that nagging space in your mind. Free your mind by blocking time each day or each week, breaking down this process into manageable steps. You will not regret it!