Five Health Benefits of Putting Your Kids to Bed Early

Pediatricians know that for children, sleep is as important to healthy development as food, shelter, safety, and nurturing. In children, the effects of “sleep deprivation” are seen when sleep time is reduced by as little as 30 minutes from what a child needs.bed early 3 small

How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

Hours of sleep daily Age
14-15 Infants
12-14 Toddlers
11-13 Preschoolers
10-11 School-age
8.5-9.5 Teens


Individual children’s sleep needs vary. Parents who ensure their children get enough sleep see many health benefits.

Proper Growth

A key benefit of sleep for children is the release of human growth hormone (HGH), which stimulates normal growth and development, especially bone growth. HGH is primarily released during sleep.

Smarter Children

Adequate sleep = better cognitive functioning. Children who get enough sleep learn more easily, demonstrate better problem-solving skills, can pay attention longer, and make better decisions. One study found that “A” students slept an average of 30 minutes longer each night than “D” students.

Happier Children

Well-rested children can better regulate their emotions, leading to improved relationships and mental health.

A child’s inability to regulate emotions means more tantrums and more conflicts with peers, siblings and adults. Over-tired children are cranky, have less tolerance for change and disappointment, and are more impulsive and restless.

For most children, sleep deprivation looks a lot like ADHD because as the child fights to stay awake, adrenalin is released, making the child wired, irritable, and unable to fall asleep. A child in this state may seem like she doesn’t need sleep, but she actually needs more.

Reduced Risk of Lifelong Diseases

Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to higher risks of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, depression, and obesity. Dr. Paul Suratt, a pulmonologist and sleep expert, started studying sleep because of the effects he saw in his heart patients. He suspects that sleep deprivation causes irreversible damage.

Stronger Immune System

Immune system functioning is directly connected to sleep. Children who get enough sleep are better able to resist illness and fight off infections when they do get sick.